Enhancing pRevention AnD multI-agenCy cooperAtion against labour TraffickING
Trafficking in human beings (THB) is a multidimensional transnational crime that abuses people’s fundamental rights and dignity. It involves the criminal exploitation of vulnerable people through force, fraud, or coercion for the sole purpose of economic gain from forced labour, sexual exploitation, or involuntary servitude. THB is often transnational in character and its victims are of all genders and ages.
The EU Strategy on Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings 2021–2025 places a priority on, among other things, the need to pursue the prosecution of traffickers more robustly, enhance coordination and cooperation among key actors, including at the level of policy, and increase knowledge of, and producing effective responses to, all forms of THB.
The focus of the ERADICATING II project is capacity building among Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs), prosecutors, labour inspectors, and first-line practitioners involved in the prevention and combat against THB for labour exploitation, with a special focus on Ukrainian refugees. While Ukrainian nationals constituted a significant part of victims trafficked across the EU prior to Russia’s invasion, the chaos caused by the war will give traffickers the opportunity to take advantage of the refugee flows to recruit and exploit vulnerable people.
Our goals
Improve the capacity of law enforcement agencies and prosecutors, labour inspectors and first-line practitioners to detect, identify, protect and refer victims of labour trafficking for support and care
Enhance cooperation among the various actors in combating Trafficking of Human Beings (THB) for labour exploitation at national and regional level and across borders at EU level
Enhance coordination among and improve capacity of Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) for setting up joint cross-border investigations (JITs) and for using cross-border referral practices between EU Member States
Improve capabilities of LEAs and prosecutors of conducting digital and parallel/financial investigations with the aim of lesser involvement of victims in the process and reduced risks of re-victimisation
Address more adequately the risks of involvement in THB of Ukrainian refugees
ERADICATING is a multi-country initiative designed to increase the capacity of Law Enforcing Authorities and service providers on prevention and early identification mechanisms of trafficking for sexual and labour exploitation. In the long term, the initiative aspires to eradicate the established and dangerous culture of impunity that persists and contributes to the thriving of the trafficking industry.